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「食と農」にピープル・パワーを!ーヘレナ・ノーバーグ=ホッジ率いるLocal Futuresからのメッセージ

執筆者の写真: ナマケモノ事務局ナマケモノ事務局






















If we had a magic-wand, which sector of the global economy would we transform first? Finance and energy would be tempting options, but there's one sector that is more impactful than any other: food.

Join a Global People's Summit for the future of our food, and participate in our interactive workshop! In this week's landmark UN Food Systems Summit, profit-oriented groups like the World Economic Forum, the Gates Foundation-backed AGRA, and agrochemical/GMO industry lobbies are partnering with the United Nations to advance a globalizing agenda for our food systems – including biotechnology, agrichemicals, and corporate control.

We are not letting this go unchallenged! We don't have a magic-wand, nor do we possess the wealth and influence of global corporations... but we do have people-power. Join Local Futures and grassroots organizations from every corner of the globe in the Global People's Summit on Food Systems (Sep 21-23) and the People's Food Summit (Oct 16). We need you!


Food is the one thing we produce that every human being needs every day. It is the focus of over 10 billion transactions per day, and the center of our real economy. It is also the most important sector of our economy to transform if we are to address our most pressing global problems – from climate change to hunger and poverty.

The global food system, with its large-scale chemical-dependent monocultures geared for export, has disastrous consequences for soil, climate, biodiversity, social justice, and human health. Still, at the upcoming United Nations Food Systems Summit (UNFSS), corporate actors will be pushing policymakers further in this destructive direction.

Thoroughly greenwashed in the language of “climate-smart”, “carbon-neutral”, and “regenerative”, the UNFSS – set to take place September 23 – is likely to embrace a high-tech, debt-based path that will accelerate the destruction of small-scale farming, and concentrate ever-more wealth in the hands of giant corporations.

That’s why we are opposing the intellectual hijacking of this United Nations Summit and joining hands with small farmers and civil society organizations from every corner of the globe to host alternative encounters, develop action plans and policy recommendations with healthy and fair food systems in mind.



c) theslothclub 2022

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